Hasht Architecture Group

Zibasazan Factory


2022 | Tehran | Abbas-abad Industrial city

Zibasazan factory produces household and industrial products including containers that have different uses. In line with the development goals, the complex planned to provide a new part in the previous site in the form of a large shed that had an office and industrial use. The production of various products based on the needs of the audience and market studies had made the Zibasazan connect a diverse range of products and customers.

Through the designing process, first, we tried to make the structure of the design correspond with the branding goals and reflect the products and culture in Zibasazan. On the other hand, another issue was the proximity of the administrative and industrial sectors to create more communication and more monitoring of production. while it is possible to separate the administrative sector from the industrial sector in terms of physical proximity, in terms of morphology it could seem separated.

Since most of the area was allocated to industrial space, we started the design from there. First, we tried to make the space of the shed more diverse and rhythmic, both in terms of lighting and the quality of the interior space, and in terms of visual appearance, while being industrial, it has more qualities in terms of architecture. Creating a pattern with sloping lines could make the collection more iconic in the overall scale and the surrounding view, and adopt a more industrial style to express the space, while in the interior, these breaks could allow natural light in a controlled range. pull in In the next step, we limited the pattern to the upper half of the building so that the audience can experience a more human scale from the outside.

In the administrative department, an effort was made to express the company's approach to customers by creating a design language based on transparency and fluidity. So, an open and closed smart pattern was adopted, which by creating a color palette as a metaphor for the wide range of products of this brand, could control different optical and visual qualities from inside and outside in different conditions.

In interior design, an effort was made to place the office space as a dynamic and livable platform next to the industrial space by creating fluidity and shortening the accesses to increase the efficiency of employees and the quality of attendance for employees, managers, and customers.

Type: Industrial - Office

Location: Abbas-abad Industrial city, Tehran, Iran

Client: Zibasazan Co

Design Team: Reza Sayyadian - Sara Kalantari - Mohammad Ghaffari - Shahab Ahmadi - Iman Hedayati - Niloufar Mohammadzadeh - Ali Ahmadi

Area: 13000 m2

Status: Designed

Date: 2022