Hasht Architecture Group

Terrace Villa


Tehran | Fasham

The terrace project was entrusted to us while its main skeleton was built by another team. The project was located at the beginning of Fashm Road and on a site with a steep slope. The previous design was based on a 4-story building built on top of each other and in the form of extrusion. The structure chosen for the previous design was very similar to an urban apartment block.

The owner of the project, however, after implementing the skeleton of the previous plan, came to the conclusion that the implemented plan is far from his ideals of the quality of a recreational villa for leisure.

By examining the structure of the site and how to enter the project and perspectives, we came to the conclusion that to create more spatial qualities, there is a need to create diversity in the structure of the full and empty plan of the complex. So, in the external part, by reducing and adding walls and creating 3 empty spaces at different levels, we tried not to be indifferent to the existing landscape and the entrance of the complex and to create different spatial qualities on the same previous skeleton. Another change was inside the space. In this section, we tried to create a different dynamic and visual quality in the interior of the villa by emptying the upstairs space in favor of creating a large view. The basement part was also dedicated to play and recreation space, which provided a better space for use while creating a terrace on the upper floor.

Type: Villa

Location: Fasham, Tehran

 Client: Shahab Ahmadi, Iman Hedayati, Mohammad Ghaffari

Design Team: Niloufar Mohammadzadeh, Ali Ahmadi, Farnaz Agahi, Farzaneh Khatibi, , Behnaz Nouri

Date: 2022

Status: Designed